This is my github profile, where you can find all my projects and repositories that might interest you!

I did an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) about graph theory titled: Using Python to generate minimum spanning trees in planning a game of Mini Metro. Contact me to learn more!

Macro Keybind Mod (for minecraft) syntax highlighter for Sublime Text. This package adds many IDE functions for this language, such as smart autocomplete with parameter snippets, pop-up hints, indenter and linter.
My winning submission for WWDC21 Swift Student Challenge. I was inspired by the beautiful shapes on the kaleidoscope, and made a basic drawing app with customizable settings so that you can draw them too!
My winning submission for WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This app functions as an interactive gallery to view 3d polygon designs created using spheres only. These shapes are based on real life magnet balls art pieces.
A website that I revamped using Vue.JS and Bootstrap for my summer internship. I also implemented continuous integration and continuous delivery for the page.
A page which uses the spotify api and displays the audio features of your currently playing song. Requires oauth token from your spotify account.
A random page idea of creating 3d render of cubes by inputting the colors, and x,y,z coordinates. You can also rotate the cubes in to show the shape from different perspectives.
Computer Science Society points tracker for beginner, intermediate and advanced challenges. Every time someone completes a challenge (with or without restrictions), the points that the student gets is halved.
A page containing screensavers that I made for the Hackku Hackathon. You can customize the screensavers by inputting images from online sources. Make sure the link leads directly to the image.
A page to help you convert between SI prefixes converter. You can use this by entering 2 units.
Calculates the molar mass of any inputted molecule. Supports bracket multipliers too.
Calculates the empirical formula of any compound from the combustion data. (Reactant and product masses) Useful for checking answers.
Website which allows you to view a Periodic Table as a picture in picture video, which can be placed anywhere on your screen.